31st Annual Consignment Sale Large Farm Machinery Consignment Auction Sponsored by the Wapak Young Farmers and the FFA Alumini Inc. located at the Auglaine Courty Fair Grounds in Wapakoneta. Ohio March 30th, 2019 *Sale Begins at 9:00 A.M. 10:00a.m. Sale will split into 3 rings, selling farm equipment, lawnmowers, tools, and small items JD 4400 combine w' D 213 grain head, JD 443 con head JD 750 double dril ( 30,7.5 spacing, JD hitch and Yetter markers), JD 2600 5 botbom plow,JD 15 mod 400 rotary hoe, JD 7000 no-till corn planter w monitor and liquid fert 8 Brillion cultipacker on wheels, NH 273 baler kicker NH 479 haybine, 3pt four wheel rake, 18 and 16 kicker bale wagons, 7 stank Krause chisel plow,14%ated wagon w/ sides, Easy Trail 500 hopper wagon on gears, 350 Kill Bros hopper on JD gears, 350 Kil Bros hopper on JD 1065A gears, JM 275 hopper on 8 ton gear, Ni narrow row corn picker, 250 JAM hopper bed·JD 494A planter, JD 1240 planter, J&M 385 on gears, 53' X8 Cardinal auper 33 X8 auger, 7.5 Strix grooming mower, 5 grader blade, Gehl BU 810 slage wagon, H 490 disc Trailers and Livestock 1202 manure spreader, NI mod 12 ground driven manure spreader, JD 350 manure spreader, Houle 3pt 8'pit pump, IH pto spreader, Oster power pro cordless animal trimmers, wire hog panels, cattle and hog gates, hog feeders, etc D 626 ATM(gatorj, Kubota TG 1860 diesel mower, 2007 Hond Foreman ES 4 wheeler, JD st 38 riding mower, Quick Attach hyd snow blower, over 100 various flowering, shade, hardwood evergreen, spruce, and pine trees, numerous stacks of rough sawed air dried ungraded oak, maple, and walnut lumber, green rough sawed lumber, misc lumber, lawn vac, air compressor awn fert spreader, hand tools, copper kettie, ladders, lence posts, mortar mixer, hyd wood spliter, mise school items Terms: Cash or check with the proper LD Auction Conducted and Managed By DENNIS KOHLER AUCTION SERVICE LLC 11571 Hardin Pike Wapakoneta, OH 45895 PH: 419-738-8306 Auctioneers Dennis Konler, Joe Owen, Mark Knoch, Mike Miller, Dick Alexander, and India Miller. Licensed and Bonded in avor of the State of Ohio Settlement by: Barb's Clerking Service. Number System will te used Lunch by: Wapak FFA and FFA Aum Any statements made day of sale, supersedes any advertisements. Not responsible for accidents. Plan to attend and spend the day Consignments will be taken March 27th and 28th from 4.00- 700 p.m. and on March 29th from 10.00 a.m-7:00 p.m. In an attempt to clean up the Quality of the sale there will be a maximum of 8 dems per seler, For further information contact Ron Brown-PH (419) 236-8516 or (419) 738-6916 Chris Tuner-PH (419) 238-8518, or Todd Place (419) 238-8132 NO TITLED VEHICLES WILL BE SOLD Bid numbers will be given out at 4p.m. Fri and atl day Sat begineig at7:30 am Lond out times, ater the sale untl6:00 pm, and Sun. 10,00 am1:00 pm